This Is Who I Am

Linda K. Sellers
Watercolour Artist (Active member of theFederation of Canadian Artists & Okanagan Canadian Artist Society)
250 307 3475
Instagram: lindaksellersartist

Linda has always had diverse interests in the arts, (painting, music, dance, & drama). After many years as a dance instructor, her passion for the medium of watercolour was sparked when she began her painting journey 23 years ago.
After years of art experience and practice she has allowed her self the freedom to experiment and often finds herself trying something new that flows out of this amazing watercolour medium.

Linda’s paintings are admired for their vivid colours and versatility of techniques.

At times she introduces other watercolour mediums, ink, or acrylic to add texture or to add interest to her pieces. Her art subjects are varied, but particularly she draws inspiration from the beauty of nature.
Linda has diligently pursued instruction from a number of skilled Canadian Artists from Ontario, British Columbia and the U.K. Linda’s home town is Vernon where she and her husband have made their home since 2009.